Recently I've had the opportunity to work on a couple projects that required the use of Google cloud products.
The first was a revisit of the node app that I had made for 2Birds. I had previously deployed that function on Heroku on the free tier. Heroku recently announced the end of the free tier, so I was forced to revisit and investigate options. Based on the low volume, I decided a Google Cloud function was the right solution and was able to swtich the function over pretty easily. So far this month it's cost $0.01.
My other recent adventure in the Google cloud was for @sizzlerbbqcatering who I am finishing up a new site for. I was able to link up a new site (not yet on their domain) with a google form. But the really cool bit was from there were able to use the google form to trigger google AppScripts to send custom emails, and automagically create calendar events!
Thanks again @twobirdsonestonefarm and @sizzlerbbqcatering for the chance to work with you!
Contact me for help setting up your business with low cost Google Cloud solutions!